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"Measuring soft power in the international system"
forthcoming book and related programs.

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Book:  Measuring soft power in international relations. Lynne Rienner, 2024.  Hardback and e-book, limited time, special price $45.  Paperback forthcoming 2025.


Digital datasets for book available at Digital Georgetown.



"Getting to 'we' from 'they': new ways to measure soft power in international relations."  November 20, 2023.

"Tools for measuring soft power: a review of recent quantitative analysis."  In Routledge handbook on soft power (second edition), Naren Chitty, ed.  (2023)

Video of book launch.    Link to author manuscript.

“Goal!  Soft power at the Women’s World Cup for Soccer ANZ 2023”  Lighthouse Commentary for Soft Power Analysis and Resource Center (SPARC), Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. June 1, 2023


"The Smithsonian's soft power:  how foreigners engage the US national museum." Journal of Political Power  2022 (September).

Free e-print.  Link to author manuscript. 


"India and the Soft Power Rubric: The Relevance of Migrants, Students, Visitors and Movies." India Review Vol 20, 2021 - Issue 4.  Free e-print.  Link to author manuscript.


October 29.  Video, "Cultural values and political economy and the case for multilateralism."  Wilson Center for International Scholars.

September 21.  Video.  "Comparing US and China's soft power in the European Union and ASEAN (Association for Southeast Asian Nations."  University of Texas, Austin. 

August. Book chapter: "Applying the Soft Power Rubric:  How study abroad data reveals international cultural relations" in Cultural Values and Political Economy, J.P. Singh. Stanford University Press, 2020.  See video overview.

June 19.  Video. Discussant for "Southeast Asia's Anglophone elites and US foreign policy" by Nobohiro Aizawa.  Wilson Center.

June 3.  Video. "The future of multilateralism and global governance." Panel at Global Solutions: World Policy Forum.  


April 14.  Blogpost. Alumni spotlight: Measuring nations' soft power.  Wilson Center. 

March 3.  Video: Geopolitics and Geoeconomics of Submarine Cable Networks. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. 

January 31.  China and Africa program: Bureau of African Affairs.  US State Department.


June 6.  Audio: "Measuring soft power in the international system."  US Department of Defense, Strategic Multilayer Assessment Program. Audio available at NSITeam.


May and June.  Foreign Service Institute Tradecraft Training Module:  Measuring soft power.  US Department of State.

April 2. Video :Future of Statecraft. Center for Strategic and Security Studies.

March 5.  Report: Decadal Survey of Social and Behavioral Sciences for Applications to National Security. The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


December 5. Measuring Soft Power in the International System:  Cultural Festivals and International Education.  Dupont Summit 2018.  Policy Studies Organiszation.


May 30.  Program: Asserting Taiwan's International Space:  the Challenges Ahead for Taipei's Leadership. Wilson Center.  Map presentation.

May 1.  Report: Soft power amidst great power competition. Wilson Center. Map presentation.

April 18.  Major powers: Soft Power Rubric Applied
International Studies Association.  International Studies Association.  Map presentation. 

February 8.  Op-ed.  We all contribute to a nation's soft power.  Real Clear World. 

February 7. News report: 中国与俄罗斯软实力比较.  Boxun.​

February 5.  Video: Can soft power be measured? Wilson Center.

February 5.  Measuring Russia and China's soft power. From Bytes to Bucks: Soft power, policy, tech, and culture.  Wilson Center.  Audio.  Map presentation.  

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